The Alexander Technique with Peter Bloch in Wilmslow, Cheshire
About Peter Bloch
I am a highly experienced teacher of the Alexander Technique, having maintained a private practice and taught in conservatoires and colleges for 37 years in London, Manchester and Cheshire. I have worked with people of all ages and from all backgrounds.
I trained as a teacher in London with Walter Carrington, who was trained by Alexander himself in the 1930s. For many years, both before and after my training, I studied extensively with almost all of the surviving teachers who had trained with Alexander.
I have a lively interest in a wide range of applications of the A.T., including the alleviation of the pain and discomfort that can be caused by habitual errors of posture and movement, the enhancement of performance skills in athletes, dancers, public speakers, musicians and singers, and helping people to discover the greater vitality and the calmness of mind that is a part of the attainment of physical poise.

I have a longstanding special interest in the training and professional development of Alexander Technique teachers. I lead the Manchester Alexander Technique Training School (MATTS), a STAT-approved professional training course for teachers, and a weekly CPD class for A.T. teachers.
Professional Affiliation
I have been a teaching member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) since 1987, and am bound by the Society’s published Code of Professional Conduct and Competence.
STAT was founded in 1958 with the objectives of ensuring high standards of teacher training and practice, and to promote public awareness of the Technique. It is the world’s oldest and largest professional body of Alexander Technique teachers. The great majority of qualified teachers in the UK and Ireland are members of STAT and most teachers around the world are members of an affiliated society. Members are required to hold professional indemnity insurance and a current DBS Certificate.