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Safety measures for working during the pandemic

Update January 2024

Although the worst of the pandemic is now considered to be over, I am aware that some people are at higher risk, or protecting other people who are at higher risk.


For this reason I continue to provide students with enhanced safety options. These include thorough hand and surface cleaning before lessons, running a high performance HEPA filter in my teaching space, opening windows and wearing a high filtration (rated at least 98% effective) professional surgical mask.


There is more information about these and other protective measures below. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns that you have.

Update 8 June 2022

The main risks of Covid transmission occur through touch and through the air. By only working with one person at a time, in a carefully thought-out environment where students do not directly encounter each other coming and going, and by carefully and consistently following a number of other guidelines related to physical contact and air quality, the risks can be dramatically reduced. I am fully vaccinated and boosted.


Touch: I clean all touched surfaces between students, and the frequent use of hand washing and hand sanitiser reduces this risk to a minimal level. I do not touch student’s faces, or my own.


Air Quality: The evidence shows that airborne transmission is a much the greater risk than touch and I take several precautions to reduce this risk to a minimum. I have in constant operation a modern high capacity 6 stage filtration air purifier with fresh HEPA filters that are designed to remove 99.97% of airborne contaminants, including viruses and always have an open window.


Masks: Several studies have shown that wearing a mask dramatically reduces the risk of transmission to others and somewhat reduces risk to yourself. Masks are no longer required by law. However, for anyone who would like a further reduction in risk, I am happy to use a certified Type-2 surgical mask (rated at 98% or more effective at protecting other people from the wearer, conforming to EN14683). Students are no longer required to wear masks but are free, if they wish, to use one to further enhance their own protection. I also keep a ready supply of disposables.


In accordance with government guidelines, students should not attend lessons if they believe there to be a reasonable chance that they have become infected with Covid. There is no charge for last minute cancellations for this reason.


I continue to monitor and review relevant guidelines and update my written risk assessment (copy available on request) as appropriate.


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